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Vortex is a deep collective energy portal where you receive Jessica's signature healing and guidance (in real-time) over 21 days, to intentionally release old energies, patterns, poverty pacts, vows, beliefs, deep-rooted emotions and open up your energy field for deeper confidence, abundance, professional and personal success.

Inside of Vortex is where you boldly claim your soul's visions and receive the energetic/spiritual healing to open up your energy, mind and body to receive your divine blessings and set the foundation for a lifetime of success.


- Your career/business growth,

- Your power as a female leader,

- Your God's given gifts and purpose,

- Clarity on your path,

 - Being abundantly resourced by money,

- Blessed relationships, blessed life.


and those are the themes we will activate:

- Personal Power & Emotional Intelligence,

- Mindset & Relationships,

- Leadership, Money & Receiving. 

Over $8,000 in VALUE for $555 for a limited time.

Every edition needs to be purchased separately.

No refunds.



Sign up:
When you sign up, your name is added to Jessica's exclusive transmission list. Before the start date, you will receive further instructions (via e-mail) and an invitation to join the *Vortex Channel on Telegram*, where the broadcasting will happen over 21 days.

Weekly treatment: Over 21 days, you receive 15 of Jessica's potent signature remote healings in real-time to open up your energy, mind and body to your next level without the need to change your routine or do anything apart from following your own internal guidance.

Briefs: Join the Telegram Channel, be updated with the work done each weekday and receive the guidance and energetic support to take you to new levels of growth and divine receiving. (This is optional and not necessary for the healing to take place).

*This is a potent vibrational work that reflects on your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical levels, that being said, you take full responsibility for your well-being and outcomes.*

No refunds.


WEEK 1 - (27/05 - 02/06) 



Day 1 - Childhood - Releasing old energies of rejection/abandonment/pedestaling/inferiority complex and activating personal power.

Day 2 - Releasing deep-rooted fears holding you back, cultivating safety in the body to take action towards your visions.

Day 3 - Shifting and releasing ancestral energy for sacrifice/suffering/hustling in the family lineage and opening up the energy field for ease, money and abundance.

Day 4 - Activating deeper confidence in your innate talents and gifts, connecting with your higher purpose.

Day 5 - Enhancing emotional awareness and intuition to make decisions that feel right for you.


WEEK 2 - (03/06 - 09/06) 



Day 1 - Releasing the victim mentality, opening up space for mental clarity, releasing self-doubt, procrastination and imposter syndrome.

Day 2 - Activating inner beliefs of worthiness and deservingness of having the best in life, stop attracting difficulties as a way to self-sabotage.

Day 3 - Releasing attachments, activating emotional and financial empowerment/independence in relationships.

Day 4 - Healing trust issues, disappointments and the saviour complex. Activating the power of self-responsibility.

Day 5 - Releasing repressive energies and self-neglect, activating pleasure and balancing the energies of giving/receiving. 


WEEK 3 - (10/06 - 16/06)



Day 1 - Letting go of the fear of success and old success rules, activating success in alignment with your energy.

Day 2 - Empowering the inner leader, releasing energies of past failures, fear of change and judgment. 

Day 3 - Breaking the financial ceiling, making peace with money and releasing the fear of financial responsibility.

Day 4 - Expanding your energetic capacity to receive more abundance, releasing mind/ego obsessions and inviting what is ready for you in the now.

Day 5 - Calibrating your energy and body to higher visions, new possibilities, effortless success and soul's freedom. 

No refunds.


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“Jessica’s guidance inspired me inside of the Vortex. I loved the daily feedback on the healings and areas of our lives that were being worked on. I felt an impact on my professional life. I would definitely recommend it if you are on your healing journey and desire to unlock new levels of self-love, self-care and self-worth.“ 



“I needed clarity through a tough period and what I enjoyed the most about the Vortex was how in-sink Jessica was with the energy of what I was going through at that moment, the Vortex helps you keep your energy in check. I would refer the Vortex to anyone who needs clarity on what they need to work on themselves.”




What time will the healing take place?

There is no specific time for the healing to be performed as Jessica follows her intuition, but most likely it will happen in the mornings (Monday to Friday, weekends are integration days). Be updated in real-time on the work that has been done by joining the close friends list on Instagram.

How many editions do I need?

Energy healing works in layers and processes. In every edition, a new layer will be released. It's like peeling an onion, will go deeper every time and the energy is intelligent and meets you where you are. The more healings you receive, the better you become. We advise you to follow your own internal guidance and trust in your own needs and desires when making a purchase. Jessica truly believes in the power of this work for its profound change in her own life and life of her clients but she cannot guarantee results.

How long until I notice the shifts in my own life?

The results vary from person to person, each individual has their own divine timeline. In some aspects, you will notice the shifts immediately, while others may take time to build and develop as the universe makes rearrangements to deliver... patience, action and consistency are key to lasting change and positive results.



By joining Vortex Collective, you agree with the Terms & Conditions.

This is a potent vibrational work that reflects on your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical levels, that being said, you take full responsibility for your well-being and outcomes.

- Jessica Erler -
Master Healer & Coach

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